Stay-at-Home Mom, Working Mom, Part-time Working Mom...

Stay-at-Home Mom, Working Mom, Part-time Working Mom...

To the stay-at-home mom who never stops working...
You work 24/7 but you are still asked why you don't work.
I know you never stop and you never get a break.
I know how you feel.

To the working mom who does 50 different things all day, while wearing 10 different hats, but can't remember one thing she did all day except the ONE thing she didn't do. I know you are overwhelmed.
I know how you feel.

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When It is a LONG day...

When It is a LONG day...

Today is a LONG day. Watching little kids all day is like a race to insanity and the test is who will crack first? Them or ME. 

I have 8 years experience with parenting and every time the challenge feels the same.  
Sometimes I erupt and feel like a scary Monster. I apologize later. 
Sometimes I let a kid experiment painting their face with chocolate because I am too tired to see.
Sometimes I put them in their room at 6:30pm for bed and would rather yell 50 times over, "Go to Bed!" And bribe them with breakfast choices that include fruity loops, rainbow charms, or let's get cuckoo for chocolate puffs cereal that is devoid of all nutrition. Whatever it takes, just go to BED. 

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