Former Hollywood Star says Rosary Every Night With Her Family...

Former Hollywood Star says Rosary Every Night With Her Family...

Donna D'Errico, former Baywatch actress, revealed:  We pray the Rosary along with our evening prayers every night as a family before bed. There’s no coercion; it’s just part of our routine by now.  At 19, my son is certainly no child.  But he never skips evening prayers.  It strengthens us as a family. 

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6 Reasons to Pray the Rosary

6 Reasons to Pray the Rosary

Miracles will begin to flood your life. 

Things will start to occur that you could not have dreamed up yourself. You will start to see your life slowly changing and it will occur to you that you are not in charge of the steering wheel.  She will guide you to happiness and a life more full of love.  It can be guaranteed and has been in countless books.   

“Among all the devotions approved by the Church, none has been so favored by so many miracles as the devotion of the Most Holy Rosary.”  -Pope Pius IX

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