50 Reasons We Love Marian Blue...
/Copyright @ TheFamilyrosary.org
I wanted to share this great post from LifeTeen. You can read the entire post here.
In a world, where fictional characters and fictional relationships show how superficial “love” can be…
Where being abused and degraded is something people like to read about in poorly written “novels”…
From the Producer of Creation and Director of Salvation History, In Association with On Fire Films…
Comes a real relationship that is a beacon of hope for all who are in love and wanting to be holy.
You don’t need to grow deeper in sin, YOU NEED TO GROW IN DEEP BLUE!
Trying to get to heaven?
Grey is ugly. Blue is beautiful.
So now we present to you….
50 Shades of Marian Blue!
- Her yes. (Her trust in God was graceful.)
- She prays for us. (Who better to pray for us than JESUS’ MOTHER!)
- When we pray, she is right there along with us. (I mean, she has a pretty cool network.)
- The Devil HATES Mary. (He couldn’t tempt her to sin. Mary is a Boss!)
- She’s the Queen of Heaven. (We are the champions!)
- She is the Ultimate Saint. (She said yes to God. Let’s model ourselves after her!)
- She’s the Arch of the New Covenant. (New Covenant = Jesus)
- She is a perpetual virgin. (Talk about self mastery!)
- She was fully consumed, body and soul, into heaven. (Lucky!)
- She’s known as the “Reed of God.” (God plays beautiful music through her!)
- Theotokos (That means God bearer. Guys, SHE HAD GOD IN HER WOMB!)
- She is known as “The Mediatrix of All Graces.” (Thanks to her, “yes” mankind was redeemed by Christ. Game. Over.)
- Not only is she Christ’s mother she is our mother, too! (Word to yo’ motha’…Mary!)
- She knows the Trinity better than anyone I know! (We are family!)
- She is the Mother of Christ. (BOOM!)
Read the rest here.