8 Reasons Why the Rosary is a Prayer Everyone Should Know and Love...
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1. This prayer has been called a "priceless treasure inspired by God." -St. Louis de Montfort
2. It is the storehouse of countless blessings. - Bl. Alan de la Rouche
St. Padre Pio Copyright @ LeadustoHeaven
3. It is the greatest weapon.
Concerning the Rosary, Our Lady herself said to Padre Pio: "With this weapon you will win."
St. Padre Pio prayed more than 30 rosaries a day.
This was a very important devotion for him. Whenever he had a spare moment, in the hallway, on the stairs, even going to and from the confessional, he would pray the rosary. He called the Rosary a weapon against the devil, and often, in old age, when he could not find his rosary, he would ask one of his brethren, "Where is my weapon?" He insisted that his spiritual children make the Rosary part of their daily devotions.
Source: Padre Pio: The True Story
4. It will bring Love and Peace into your life and family.
Through the Rosary, families can appeal to Mary the Mother of God to pray with them for help from her Son Jesus in saving their family and all families. The family must be saved if the world is to be saved. The Rosary has saved the world in the past. It will help save the world now by saving families. - Father Patrick Peyton
Source: A Man of Faith, by Jeanne Gosselin Arnold
5. It is the greatest method of praying. - St. Francis de Sales
6. It attracts blessings from Heaven.
“Pray and do penance. Pray the Rosary frequently. It is the only powerful weapon to attract the blessings from Heaven.” – Our Lady to Servant of God to Edvige Carboni in March 1942
7. The most efficacious means of attaining eternal life... the remedy for all our evils. - Pope Leo XIII
8. The Lord encouraged His Saints to seek perfection under the guidance of Mary.
Our Lord encouraged St. Francis of Assisi to seek perfection under the guidance of Mary.
One day St. Francis of Assisi had a vision in which his fellow religious were trying to reach Jesus by a very steep, red ladder; but after ascending a few of its rungs, they would lose their ground. Our Lord then revealed to Francis a different ladder; this ladder was white, it was much less steep than the previous ladder, and at the summit was the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus then said to Francis: “Advise your sons to go by the ladder of My Mother.”