2 Things I do to Overcome the Guilt of the Working Mom Life.


The hardest part for me about being a working mom is I never feel like I am doing anything well because it is easy to feel torn between multiple things.  

When I am at work, I fear I am missing out on time with my kids.

When I am at home with my kids, I feel like I am not giving my job enough attention. 

And then sometimes I try compensate by doing to many things at once, which often leads to a disaster and more guilt.   

So in order to negate this feeling of guilt I use these two mechanisms. 

1. First thing in the morning I write down 6 things that need to get done.  

These are typically big things.  Or things that are hard to do that you try to avoid.  Or things that need to get done in order to have either your house or job fully functioning.  And they need to be completed by the end of the day.  

For example: 

  1. Sign kids up for after school activities
  2. Set up new HSA card (Have to call multiple numbers, etc.)
  3. Scan documents for saving
  4. Finish online trainings
  5. Set up invite for kids bday
  6. Buy supplies on amazon

2. Put iPhone away every evening from 6-9pm.   (Or limit distractions)

This is special, quality time in our house.  Sometimes I am picking up kids for activities or making dinner or doing homework, but I want my kids to know that when I am with them they are the ultimate priority and I am not distracted.  This time is sacred and I am not trying to do anything on my list, including work.