we need less talking, more praying

After Father William visited us a few months ago @manyhailmarysatatime to pray the rosary, in the midst of the COVID19 shutdown he kept repeating, “we need more praying, less talking.”

Right now, more than ever, we need more praying. We need to be following God, not the media, not politics, not the news… God.

We need less talking, more praying.

Less scrolling, more praying.

Less arguing, more praying.

Less division, more uniting through praying.

Less time thinking of self, more time praying about how to give of our self.

Less time away from God, more time spent with God.

Jesus was surrounded by a sea of evil, hatred, violence, and lies.

His heart was broken and pierced, and he suffered more than anyone has ever suffered, but the wrong done to him did not penetrate him, because his heart was full of trust in his Father, abandonment, and loving self-offering.

We should follow in his steps…

When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten. So, too, with our Lady at the foot of the Cross. She drank the cup of suffering, but her heart remained pure. It held no fear, no rebellion, no hatred, no despair, but only acceptance, forgiveness, and hope.

If the wrongs people commit do penetrate our hearts, that is because they find room there.

If our hearts are filled with total trust in God and love for Him and our neighbor, there is no room for evil, hurt or harm.

We must root ourselves in God through faith and prayer; not blaming others.

Excerpt from Father Jacques Phillipe’s book: “Interior Freedom”

God I give all to You. Help me to pray more, think less and embrace you always.
