How the Rosary saved one woman's life while trapped for 91 days in Rwanda.

How the Rosary saved one woman's life while trapped for 91 days in Rwanda.

For 91 harrowing days in 1994, a twenty-two-year-old Catholic student named Immaculée Ilibagiza of the Tutsi people in Rwanda, Africa, hid in the bathroom of a minister's house with seven other adults to escape all but certain death. Hutus were in the midst of a reign of terror that, before it was over, depending on the estimate, would record 800,000 to a million Tutsis—Immaculée's people—murdered (in one to three months). 

It was a secret bathroom that even some of the minister's family didn't know about: three by four feet and so small that Immaculée and the others—for those three months—had to take turns standing.


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7 Ways to Explain the Rosary to a Stranger...

7 Ways to Explain the Rosary to a Stranger...

1. To recite the Rosary is nothing other than to contemplate with Mary the face of Christ. 

2. By its nature the recitation of the rosary calls for a quiet rhythm and a lingering pace, helping the individual to meditate on the mysteries of the Lord's life as seen through the eyes of her who was closest to the Lord. In this way the unfathomable riches of these mysteries are unfolded. 

3. Pray, Hope and Don't Worry.   - St. Padre Pio

Sometimes it's just best to advise them to try it and let Mary and Jesus do the speaking.  

4. The difference is not in what God can do and what Mary can do. The difference is in the way they do it. God wills something and it happens. Mary prays to Him for something and He does it. He will never say 'no' to her.


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Rosary Meditations for the Unborn and Expectant Mothers

Rosary Meditations for the Unborn and Expectant Mothers

The Joyful Mysteries

1) The Annunciation

Mary is troubled by the angel's greeting, yet rejoices to do God's will. Let us pray that those who are troubled by their pregnancy may have the grace to trust in God's will.

2) The Visitation

John the Baptist leapt for joy in his mother's womb. We pray that people may realize that abortion is not about children who "might" come into the world, but is about children who are already in the world, living and growing in the womb, and are scheduled to be killed.

3) The Nativity

God Himself was born as a child. The greatness of a person does not depend on size, for the newborn King is very small. Let us pray for an end to prejudice against the tiny babies threatened by abortion.

4) The Presentation

The Child is presented in the Temple because the Child belongs to God. Children are not the property of their parents, nor of the government. 

They - and we - belong to God Himself.

5) The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

The boy Jesus was filled with wisdom, because He is God. Let us pray that all people may see the wisdom of His teachings about the dignity of life, and may understand that this teaching is not an opinion, but the truth.

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8 Reasons Why the Rosary is a Prayer Everyone Should Know and Love...

8 Reasons Why the Rosary is a Prayer Everyone Should Know and Love...

1. This prayer has been called a "priceless treasure inspired by God." -St. Louis de Montfort

2. It is the storehouse of countless blessings. - Bl. Alan de la Rouche

3. It is the greatest weapon.  

Concerning the Rosary, Our Lady herself said to Padre Pio: "With this weapon you will win." 

St. Padre Pio prayed more than 30 rosaries a day.  

This was a very important devotion for him. Whenever he had a spare moment, in the hallway, on the stairs, even going to and from the confessional, he would pray the rosary. He called the Rosary a weapon against the devil, and often, in old age, when he could not find his rosary, he would ask one of his brethren, "Where is my weapon?" He insisted that his spiritual children make the Rosary part of their daily devotions. 

Source: Padre Pio: The True Story

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12 Tips for Praying the Family Rosary by Dad Dr. Taylor Marshall (#8 is a good one)

12 Tips for Praying the Family Rosary by Dad Dr. Taylor Marshall (#8 is a good one)

1. Pray using alternation (The father prays first half of Our Father and everyone else prays second half – same goes for Hail Mary and Glory be).

2. Pray the Rosary after dinner but right before bed – this means homework needs to be finished before dinner. Homework kills the Rosary if you don’t stay on top of it. You’ll also need to say goodbye to watching prime time television – since this is the ideal window of praying together as a family.

3. Pray the Holy Rosary always at the same place at the exact same time. Devotions become strong – even invincible – by constant custom and habit.

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